What does bullying look like?
Making unwanted contact with a person’s physical body.
Using online networks to harass, threaten, and embarrass others.
Any form of isolation, gossip, spreading rumours, or exclusion.
Using words to insult, criticize, or threaten another person.
Who is involved?
Bystanders include everyone who is witness to any type of bullying. You can choose to be a helpful or a hurtful bystander in how you act and respond.
A hurtful bystander may laugh, encourage, and participate by continuing to bully someone.
A helpful bystander may intervene, support the person being bullied, and get help from a trusted adult.
Bullies use the methods listed above (physical, online, social and verbal) to harass and intimidate others in order to have power over someone else.
May be targeted by bullies due to being different, coming from a different background or peer group, or due to jealousy from bullies.
"We had someone come and talk to our school about bullying and a lot of what they were saying made me think about the way that someone in my class was being treated..."
"He was excluded from playing soccer at lunch and people talked about him behind his back.
I realized that even though I may not be doing those things, I still see it and I can help.
I decided to be a positive bystander and talked to someone about it. They helped to make sure everyone was kind and inclusive."
How Can I Help?
Know you’re not alone.
There are many people who care about your safety and the first step in getting help is to let others know what is happening to you or a someone you know. By reporting unsafe behaviour to trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, and counsellors, you can help put a stop to their behaviour. The first step in changing things is by letting others know about what’s going on.
At a secondary school?
Talk to your Safe School Liaison who can get you the help you need.
Be a helpful bystander
If you see someone that needs help, stand up for them, and reach out to a trusted adult for support.
Want to know more?
Erase Bullying
Expect respect and a safe education. Learn about the different types of bullying and how to get help.
erasebullying.ca -
Bullying.org is dedicated to helping prevent and eliminate bullying.
bullying.org -
Need Help Now
If you (or a friend, peer or sibling) have been involved in a self/peer incident (otherwise known as “sexting”), this site guides you through the steps you can take.