كيف يمكنك تحديد التمييز؟
ما هو تأثير التمييز؟
يمكن أن يؤثر التمييز في الشخص بطرق مختلفة منها:
- تجعل الأشخاص يشعرون بالجنون أو الحزن أو الغضب
- قد يتولد لديهم ثقة قليلة بالنفس، ويبدئون في تصديق ما يقوله الآخرون.
- د يشعرون بالعزلة ويخشون على سلامتهم.
- تؤدي إلى قيام الأشخاص بالعمل أو التصرف بطريقة لا يقومون بها عادة.
"عندما بدءت الدراسة هنا في هذه المدرسة، كان يجب عليّ أن أتعلم الكثير من الأمور. "
"أحتاج إلى تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية وكيفية التواصل في هذه البيئة الجديدة. وكنت أحتاج إيضاً إلى أن أتعلم بأنه من الطبيعي أن اطلب المساعدة من شخص إذا كان هناك أشخاص لا يعاملونني بإحترام. لا يتوجب عليّ فقط التعامل معها أو الإعتناء
بها بنفسي. هناك أشخاص يمكنهم مساعدتي هنا."
SOGI Inclusive Schools
All Surrey Schools are SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) inclusive and all students should feel free from discrimination. Reach out if you or someone else is being discriminated against.
Everyone will be well-informed of and equipped with appropriate and respectful language.
Proactive and reactive measures that include sexual orientation and gender identity will impact all students.
Students will have the right to self-identification, which includes the name by which they wish to be addressed and the preferred pronouns that correspond to their gender identity.
Students will have the right to the confidentiality of their official and/or preferred sex, gender, and name.
Students may express their gender identity or gender expression through what they wear to school. A dress code should be as all-inclusive as possible, which may include removing pronouns.
Integrated and inclusive activities will enable students to join teams and groups that they feel correspond with their gender identity.
All staff will be provided with knowledge and tools to develop a broad understanding of SOGI and the impact on students.
Classroom materials and activities will contain positive images and accurate information about sexual and/or gender diversity.
Individuals may choose to use washrooms and change rooms that match their gender identity, including non-gendered single-stall washrooms and change rooms.
Students will be included and accommodated for in all extra-curricular activities regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, including support to set up a Gender-Sexuality Alliance/Gay-Straight Alliance or similar club.
هل ترغب في معرفة المزيد؟
المفوضية الكندية لحقوق الإنسان
تعلّم المزيد عن حقوق الإنسان وكيف يمكنك الحصول على المساعدة.
chrc-ccdp.gc.ca -
B.C. Racist Incident Helpline
1-833-HLP-LINE (1-833-457-5463)
racistincidenthelpline.ca -
Surrey School District - Racial Equity
The Surrey School District stands for all forms of equity and inclusion and strives for a respectful and safe educational system free of discrimination and oppression and dedicated to achieving and upholding racial equity and anti-racism and belonging for everyone.